Porcelain veneers are the secret behind virtually every celebrity smile that shines bright on the big screen. If you envy perfectly shaped teeth that gleam, you may want to consider veneers.
At Dr. Aaronson and Associates, our expert team helps you decide if veneers are right for you. In addition to offering unparalleled aesthetic benefits, veneers provide functional advantages. Here are just a few reasons you may be ready for veneers.
You have broken or cracked teeth
Broken, chipped, and cracked teeth are at risk for bacterial infection, cavities, and tooth loss. A veneer is a wafer-thin tooth-shaped cover that’s cemented directly to your teeth and wraps around the edges.
Veneers add an extra layer of strength to teeth that have been damaged or have experienced wear-and-tear. That extra stability may be just what you need to prevent an accident, such as a tooth that breaks when you bite into an apple or a carrot.
You have gapped, crowded, or crooked teeth
Gapped and crooked teeth may distract from the beauty of your smile. They also increase your risk for cavities. When you have spaces between your teeth, or if teeth overlap one another, you can’t easily floss or brush the sides or back of your teeth. That leaves bacteria plenty of room to erode your enamel.
Veneers close the gaps between your teeth and protect the sides between adjacent teeth. You can’t develop a cavity on the portion of a tooth that’s protected with veneers.
Your teeth are uneven or small
If you don’t like the shape of your teeth, we can change that, too. We design your veneers to create a uniform smile or lengthen your teeth so that you have a fuller smile.
Your smile is dull or stained
If you drink coffee or red wine, you may need to whiten your teeth several times a year. And still, you could be frustrated with the results.
Veneers are stain-proof. Once we design your bright and white smile, you don’t need to undergo a single whitening session. That also preserves your teeth’s health over time because you’re never at risk for over-bleaching.
Veneers are a great choice if you can’t whiten your teeth enough for your taste. Veneers also cover hard-to-bleach stains caused by medications.
You have a gummy smile
If you have a gummy smile, you may feel self-conscious when you grin or laugh. You may even stop yourself from smiling fully in photographs or on special occasions.
We craft your veneers and modify your gum line so that your smile is bright and pearly. You won’t be tempted to hide your smile the next time the camera turns your way.
Veneers look natural
You don’t have to worry about having a smile that looks out of place with your skin tone or your natural mouth shape. We’re not only dental experts, but we’re aesthetic experts, too. We choose a shade of whiteness that complements your natural skin tone.
We also shape your veneers to match your existing teeth. Your renovated smile looks so natural, it seems like you were born with it.
Veneers are easy to maintain
You don’t need special equipment or solutions to care for your veneers. Care for them just like your natural teeth! Simply brush at least twice a day, floss at least once a day, and visit us for a professional cleaning and evaluation at least twice a year.
Veneers are easy to get
When you’re ready for veneers, we schedule you for two appointments. During your first visit, we make sure your teeth and gums are healthy enough for veneers.
If you’re a good candidate, we then “etch” your teeth to make room for the high-quality porcelain shells by removing a thin layer of enamel. We then take digital “molds” of your teeth and discuss your aesthetic and functional goals.
While your digital molds are converted by a lab into your beautiful, custom-designed veneers, we fit you with temporary veneers to keep your teeth safe. When your final veneers are ready, you come back to the office, we remove the temps, and apply your state-of-the-art, custom-made veneers.
If you’re ready for the most beautiful smile, contact our office in Midtown Manhattan East, in New York City today.